León Nicaragua – Volcano Boarding

After crossing 2 borders to get across Honduras, we entered Nicaragua for the first time and traveled to the city of León, Nicaragua. There is a lot of outdoor adventure to be had in León, especially the adrenaline rush of volcano boarding down Cerro Negro, the black volcanic hill. You can book this adventure tour through 2 outfits in town: Bigfoot Hostel and Quetzaltrekkers.
A Volcano Boarding Race
It had been a long travel day for us; we spent 9 hours on the road on six different buses and crossed two land borders. Jason and I were relaxing over drinks at Big Foot Hostel Bar in León, Nicaragua when we noticed a sign that read, “Volcano Boarding Top Speeds.” It had two lists of names. One list of females and the other for men. Each list had a speed associated with the name. We asked our friendly bar tender and hostel attendant, Alberto, “What’s Volcano Boarding?” He smiled and pointed to some pictures on the wall of people wearing orange jumpsuits, goggles and each were holding what looked like laminated wooden boards. “Why don’t you guys sign up and find out,” he said, “You’ll love it.” So we did.
Aracely Castellani 
(to be continued)