Central America 3 Little Comfort

Only focusing on our trip from Antigua to Panajachel to Semuc Champey, which is about 164 miles, we spent $69.22 in total. That’s a $35.52 savings and an additional 64 miles distance for riding the local buses. That’s the value of two nights in a hostel and a meal. This is what budget travel is about, finding the cheapest alternative.

Second, each time we hopped in a tourist shuttle we were just as cramped, if not more than on a chicken bus. These transportation companies are definitely not concerned with the comfort level of their passengers. They will squeeze 5 of us into a 3 seat row bench and most either don’t have or don’t use air conditioner during the 8 hour journey. Furthermore, if the road conditions are bad, unless you’re in a Mercedes-Benz S-class, your ride will be bumpy on both a chicken bus and a shuttle.

Aracely Castellani (to be continued)